Car Care Blog - Detailing Products, Techniques, News and Reviews » Monstershine Car Care
Detailing Training Day - Learn how to prep and machine polish professionaly

Marc has been training professional detailers one on one for 8 years
Pre-washing - What, Why and How?

Pre-washing is often carried out in multiple stages and is essential if you want to minimise damage to the car before washing.
Bilt Hamber Auto-Foam

There is absolutely no point in using expensive waxes and sealants striving to achieve a perfect finish if you don’t get the basics right at the outset. Most swirls and paint imperfections have to be addressed later on in the process bec...
Promotions, deals and new products.

As always we have competitive deals and giveaways on offer at Monster14 for 10% off
This week at Monstershine Car Care
Its been a busy week for us at the Monstershine office, we have been testing all sorts of products that will protect your car over the winter months coming. We all dread the arrival of the gritters and know what sort of damage it can cau...
Lemon Ice Review from Dave at the Detailing Hut
My wheels have 300 miles of brake dust in them from work last night (taxi driver) and the wheels have not been sealed/waxed in quite sometime!